Red Vegetables and Fruits Guide
Red Fruits and Vegetables
Contain nutrients like Quercetin, ellagic acid, lycopene , and Hesperidin, etc. These nutrients reduce tumor growth, reduce the risk of prostate cancer, lowers LDL cholesterol levels, scavenge harmful free-radicals, lowers blood pressure and support join tissue in arthritis cases.
- Strawberries- anti-infammatory
- Watermelon- has 92% of water
- Cherries- feed the brain
- Tomatoes- build strong bones (bone health and strength)
- Rhubarb- Is high in calcium
- Cranberries- Beneficial for your eyes
- Red apples- contains anti-oxidant (remember "an apple a day keeps the doctors away")
- Red Grapes- anti aging properties
- Promegranates- support good health for your heart
- Radishes- Rich in folic acid
- Red Cabbage- Contains Vitamin C
- Beets- acts as a guard against cancer
- Red peppers- Helps to improve your night vision
- Raspberries- contains minerals such as copper, iron, manganese, magnesium, and potassium
Category : food , health tips , natural remedy , skin care